Owning a truly versatile hunting dog is a demanding yet rewarding lifestyle; it is not a hobby. It is imperative for you to understand the Drahthaar is unapologetically bred with conviction and deep, deep purpose. That purpose is unequivocally to conserve wildlife through hunting i.e. - wildlife conservation, i.e. - the wise and sustainable use/consumption of God given, natural, renewable, wild, animal resources! Therefor the nature of a properly bred Drahthaar IS to HUNT (use their nose, seek, track, find, point, dispatch, recover and/or retrieve a multitude of game in a multitude of settings with their handler). To be most effective, they must not be fearful or intimidated by the game or the task; they must rise to the occasion and high calling of the hunt!
Of course, the activity of hunting is inherently violent. Life is taken so life can prevail (a brutal but undeniable fact of this planet). As ethical hunters, we focus on minimizing the suffering with the quickest and most humane dispatch, however the dispatch inherently requires violence. If you are not capable of and comfortable with terminating a life, your effectiveness as a hunter will be severely limited; the same is true about a Drahthaar. Therefore, the Drahthaar must also be capable of violence and be calm and under submission when necessary. This requires a great deal of mental stability and restraint from the Drahthaar, but most importantly, training, supervision, leadership, direction, alpha discipline and/or active handling from their handler.
If you do not wish to take the active role of being the master and keep your Drahthaar under submission while not hunting, please pursue a different breed.
Owner Responsibility:
I am interested in placing Drahthaars von Makoshika in forever homes that are committed to the following:
a full understanding of the breed and its purpose described above
safe and healthy hospitality for the puppy
properly socializing the puppy to people and other dogs
a lifestyle of wildlife conservation through hunting
realizing the full and objective potential of the pup through testing
Cost of Puppy von Makoshika:
Any hunting dog who is worth its salt will destroy at least $1500 worth of your belongings (mostly expensive gear such boots, e-collars, and doggy beds) in the first year of life. Just kidding, but seriously, no matter what the breed, the average dog will cost a minimum of $1000 per year. That means if it lives to be 12, you will have spent $12,000; do not let anyone tell you differently as I have over a decade of first hand experience to back up this claim. Therefore I challenge everyone to think critically about affordability before committing to a puppy of any breed and/or from any kennel. Consider also the minimal difference in overall cost between a quality pup from a committed breeder and an inferior pup from a backyard operation; why not choose the highest potential for a quality versatile companion?
Forthrightness is a value and standard I live by and apply the breeding business. In that light, it is critical to understand the effort required to achieve superior genetics and a superior breeding program is tremendous, and it has to be shared with potential puppy buyers. Great hunting dogs are a product of 50% genetics and 50% handler skill and owner commitment to developing the dog and pursuing breed certification. My aim is to be one of the finest kennels in North America, therefore I am continuously "interviewing" and trying to "hire" the finest possible colleagues for the handling team von Makoshika. To these ends, I must reserve the right to "fire" at will, those who demonstrate inferior attitude, knowledge, and commitment!
A $500 refundable deposit is required to hold a spot for a puppy of the preferred gender. The best possible candidates will be selected for a pup; the rest will receive a full refund of their deposit. Color preference will be considered but not guaranteed. If the litter is not able to provide a puppy which meets the expectation of sex, a full refund will be provided. $1500 will be due at pick-up in Bismarck, ND, roughly 8 weeks after the whelp date.
JGHV Testing:
As a breeder, objective feedback is vital to assess the outcomes of each pairing, therefore preference is given to hunting homes who will commit to testing their puppy in the first two JGHV tests (VJP and HZP). Testing will ensure your puppy will be better prepared for any hunting situation encountered in the field, marsh, or forest!
The elements of the tests replicate typical hunting situations, therefore testing is just like hunting, only with official judges watching and assessing the expressed traits of your dog simultaneously. Undoubtedly, testing will develop the full potential of both the handler and the dog, but ultimately the choice is yours to make.
Visit the following link for a description of the JGHV Hunt Tests :
visit http://www.jgv-usa.org/events/test-descriptions/
Puppy Naming:
Breeders have the liberty to choose the puppies' first name as long as the names are gender specific. I have chosen to utilize names of significance to the region of Makoshika (ND, SD, MT, WY) such as villages, ghost towns, towns, cities, people, tribes, rivers, landmarks etc when available. If you have a name which meets this theme, you are welcome to suggest it. Names are submitted in the first week of life so it is difficult to ensure you receive the pup with your desired name as much development happens in the first 8 weeks of life which effects placement.
Complementary Consult:
Please submit your information below if you are interested in learning more about owning a pup von Makoshika and want to be considered for puppy placement. After submitting the information, I will provide a complementary personal consultation regarding your goals/aspirations to see if a puppy from my kennel maybe a good fit for you.