Eva vom Flooded Timber x Urs II vd Dachswiese

For individual stats for each dog please view their dedicated pages found in the website.
For a description of my thoughts, strategy, and opinions about this pairing, please feel free to read further.
Many dogs on each ahnentafel have contributed to the success of many prominent kennels throughout the world so it is exciting to think what type of talent may float to the surface per se. I am expecting extremely great use of nose as both of these dogs have been witnessed finding game dead and alive when other dogs with good nose work could/did not. I am someone who believes breeding decisions need to go well beyond the testing performance and scores and utilize experiences witnessed during the hunt! Eva for example has had so many different moments of greatness while afield that I would be hard pressed to say that she is not my most talented breeding female; Urs is also talented and his work ethic is second to none....he grinds it out day in and day out on multi day destination hunts and is physically the most durable dog I own. There are times were I lose sight of him and begin cursing under my breath, where the heck is Urs again, only to look down and find the GPS handheld signaling he is on point some distance away down in the heavy cover. Nine times out of ten, when I start looking for Urs because I have not seen him break from the heavy cover, he is patiently waiting for me on point or he is trotting around with a freshly dispatched coon, trying to figure out where I am to finish the retrieve! As you can see by his pictures on the website, the Facebook Kennel Page, and the Instagram Kennel page, Urs has solid structure with high withers and a nice long muzzle; I expect these traits to complement Eva's conformation very nicely. Eva's coat could certainly use more hardness in her outer guard hairs, but the density is impeccable. In my opinion, their is not other stud who is better for the job of throwing a coat that nears perfection than Urs.